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eclectic reviews and opinions


(See see not the best of 2003 (but good) in opinions)

Richard Thompson (with Joyce Anderson)

30 October 2003

Nock Middle School Auditorium (Newburyport, Massachusetts)

15 Aug 1996

Go! Discs (Arlington, VA)


Ruthie's Knocking

(Rykodisc, 1996)

Time After Time

(See A Hero Next Door with Never-Ending Tragedy, Heather Hates You, Time After Time 18 Jun 2004)

Transistor Transistor (with Akimbo)

18 May 2005

The Middle East (Upstairs) (Cambridge, Massachusetts)


(Nettwerk, 2006)

Love, Sex & Other Messy Things

(Trailerlord Records, 2002)


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